Full payment of your fee or co-payment for the visit is expected at the time of your visit, unless otherwise agreed upon. Payment may be through cash or check; I also have credit/debit capability through Square, Venmo, PayPal, and Apple Pay (for virtual visits). I suggest that you have your payment prepared prior to our appointment, so that we can spend your entire visit on clinical issues.
My fee schedule is as follows (as of 1/2021):
Initial Evaluation (up to 90 minutes, including documentation time) $400
Full psychotherapy visit (~45-50 minutes including documentation time) $275
Brief psychotherapy visit (~20 -25 minutes including documentation time) $200
Medication management visit (~20 minutes including documentation time) $200
Misc. administrative time* $400/hour
(* I will bill for these services: reports or documentation beyond brief forms; letters on your behalf; lengthy/emergent phone contacts.)
Please note that I am contracted with these insurance entities:
Blue Shield (both California and national plans)
Anthem Blue Cross
United Healthcare, including United Behavioral Health
Magellan Behavioral Health, including Western Health Advantage
If you should be covered under one of these insurance plans, please advise me PRIOR to our first visit; I will bill those entities directly, and you will be responsible for the contacted copayments or deductibles at the time of each visit. If you are not contracted with either of these plans, then my services represent an out-of-pocket expense for you payable at the time of the visit.
Upon your request, I will provide a billing statement with charges and your payments, should you wish to seek reimbursement on your own from your insurer. I am not a MediCal provider. Also, note that a $20 fee will be charged for any checks returned for insufficient funds.